Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology and specialists of Rosprirodnadzor conducted an environmental raid

4 May 2023, Thursday

Today, inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology of Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, specialists of the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor, together with journalists, again went on a raid within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period. This time, the places of unauthorized waste disposal in the Ametevo village, Kazan were examined.

The first point of the raid was the container site at 75 Dachnaya Street. Here a spontaneous dump was formed due to overflowing containers. Earlier, at the request of citizens, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry carried out a field visit, during which the clutter of the container site was established. Environmentalists sent a warning to the Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts to eliminate the violation within 60 days. "Today we see that the work to eliminate the landfill has begun, most of it has already been eliminated," Anna Salakhova, an inspector of the Central Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology, told reporters.

The situation is similar at the address Dachnaya, 53. Here, a warning was also sent to the Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts. "As we can see, the work has been done, but not to the end. There is still garbage on the adjacent territory, manual selection is required," the inspector noted.

The next point of the raid was the container site at 30 Ametyevskaya Street. Here, according to the warning of environmentalists, the landfill was liquidated by the Administration, the territory was brought into proper sanitary and ecological condition.

Almaz Ismagilov, a leading expert of Rosprirodnadzor, shared statistics on complaints and appeals with journalists. He said that since the beginning of the year, the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor has received about 80 appeals about the formation of landfills due to untimely garbage removal. "In some cases, such violations are confirmed. Executive committees, managing organizations and the regional operator promptly eliminate violations. However, the perpetrators do not always take measures to eliminate violations. In such cases, Rosprirodnadzor specialists send the case materials to the prosecutor's office to make a decision on bringing the violator to administrative responsibility," Almaz Ismagilov, a leading expert expert of Rosprirodnadzor, explained.

Let us recall that since April 1, a sanitary and ecological two-month period has traditionally started in the republic. During the first month of the sanitary and ecological two-month period in Tatarstan, the supervisory authorities revealed 3,246 violations, 2,891 of them were eliminated, 1,074 protocols were drawn up, administrative fines totaling 932 thousand rubles were imposed. 2,891 places of unauthorized waste disposal have been identified, 2,358 have been liquidated.

The public reception received 2,290 appeals. Municipalities have removed 312.9 thousand cubic meters of solid household waste since the beginning of the two-month period, more than 475 thousand people and more than 12 thousand units of special equipment have been involved in cleaning the territories, roads and bus shelters are being cleaned.

Enterprises of the transport complex of the republic collected 4,306 cubic meters of solid household waste from the allotment lanes of public roads of regional and federal significance.

More than 3 thousand people and 269 units of special equipment are involved daily

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