227 thousand Tatarstan citizens have already taken part in the sanitary two-month period

22 April 2023, Saturday

Today, at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Ecology Alexander Shadrikov reported on the interim results of the sanitary and ecological two-month period in the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the first three weeks, 227,490 people went to the mid-week and clean-ups. Thanks to the joint efforts, more than 129 thousand cubic meters of solid household waste were taken to landfills.

4,801 units of special equipment are involved. As part of general improvement and landscaping, municipalities have planted more than 188 thousand trees and shrubs.

Since April 1, the Ministry has received 2,027 appeals from Tatarstan citizens.  This is about 100 requests per day. In 2022, 746 such requests were received during the same period.

As the head of the Ministry of Ecology noted, the main part of the appeals is recorded in the "School Eco-patrol" system.  Since the beginning of April, the Ministry has already received 1,266 notifications. For comparison, a year ago there were about 600 of them.

"Schoolchildren are actively helping us to identify accumulations of garbage after winter. This means that environmental issues are a priority for our younger generation," Alexander Shadrikov reported.

Also, the popular platform for filing applications for violations of the law is still the "People's Control". As of April 22, 168 unresolved notifications under the category "Landfills" are under the control of the Ministry of Ecology in this system. 

For example, Yelabuga district SNT Burovik. On April 11, a huge dump was found in a ravine. In relation to the executive committee, the Ministry's employees issued a warning with a period of elimination until June 16. Also, the head of the environmental protection agency focused on the problem of garbage collection by regional operators. "This year, the Ministry of Ecology receives a huge number of complaints about the work of regional operators and the maintenance of container sites. Colleagues, heads of executive committees, it's not just about the work of the regional operators, you also have to take control of the issues that relate to the content of these sites. There are already more than 200 such complaints. Since regional operators are subject to federal environmental supervision, complaints are transferred to Rosprirodnadzor," the speaker noted.

 Within the framework of the two-month period, all environmental agencies help to identify violations. During the two-month period, the supervisory authorities in the republic revealed a total of 2,098 violations, of which 1,235 were eliminated. Landfills are in the first place among violations. 1,141 places of unauthorized waste disposal have been identified, 750 of them have already been eliminated. 545 administrative materials were compiled; fines totaling 314.5 thousand were imposed.

On April 13, an air raid was conducted in 8 districts of the Republic, 66 violations were revealed.

Within the framework of the two-month period, the Ministry's inspectors also began to survey the roadside lanes of public roads. Detours of these territories are conducted jointly with GBU "Road Safety".

Commission detours of the railway right-of-way lanes with the participation of Rosprirodnadzor and representatives of the prosecutor's office are also planned for the beginning of May.

Let us recall that last year, 93 such violations were detected within the framework of the two-month period.

Contracting organizations of the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of the Republic of Tatarstan also joined in restoring order. More than 2.5 thousand cubic meters of solid household waste have already been collected; more than 500 people and 200 units of special equipment are involved daily.


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