This year, within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies", the channels of the Bersut River will be cleared near the village of Kamsky lespromkhoz of Mamadyshsky district

27 February 2023, Monday

About 69 million rubles from the federal budget will be allocated for these purposes.

Yegor Tarnavsky, Deputy Minister of Ecology, told about this in his interview today. In the future, within the framework of the national project "Ecology", it is planned to clear the Melekeski riverbed in the Tukayevsky district. As the speaker explained, the financing of these works is included in the budget for 2025. "However, our task is to attract money earlier, in 2023-2024, in order to create favorable conditions for residents of this part of the republic as soon as possible," he notes.

Another object, the clearing of which is planned within the framework of the project "Preservation of unique water bodies" is the Knox River. Currently, the design and estimate documentation is being prepared, and after the examination, an application for financing will be submitted to the federal center.

Speaking live on the IMC of Tatarstan, the Deputy Minister of Ecology said that Tatarstan is actively preparing for the implementation of the new federal project "General Cleaning", which will replace the Clean Country project in 2025. "To date, a list of objects that need to be examined for inclusion in the project and obtaining funding has been formed. Last year we have already examined 4 objects," the Deputy Minister said.

Let us recall that in Tatarstan, thanks to the Clean Country project, the Samosyrov landfill has been recultivated since 2021. Financing for 2021-2023 amounts to more than 870 million rubles. The project includes the installation and implementation of active degassing technology, which allows to obtain electricity through the extraction and disposal of landfill gas. This technology is a pilot one for Russia.

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