Another illegal snow dump was liquidated on the warning of environmentalists

23 January 2023, Monday

The address of the Prikamsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal from citizens about unauthorized storage of snow in the area of the exit from the Repair Passage street towards the village. Sunflowers of the Tukayevsky district. The inspectors went to the address indicated in the appeal. The fact of environmental violations has been confirmed. The area of the snow dump is 120 sq. m., the volume is 75 cubic meters.  To determine the owner of the land plot, specialists sent a request to the Department of the Federal Register of the Republic of Tatarstan. As it turned out, the owner leased the plot.

In accordance with Articles 13 and 42 of the "Land Code of the Russian Federation" dated 25.10.2001, No. 136-FZ, the lessee is obliged to comply with the requirements of urban planning regulations, construction, environmental, sanitary-hygienic, fire-fighting and other rules and regulations when using land plots, to carry out construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures on land plots in accordance with the requirements legislation on urban development activities. In this regard, a warning was sent to the tenant of the land plot about the inadmissibility of violations and the need to take measures to eliminate the snow dump. Currently, the landfill has been liquidated, the territory has been brought into proper sanitary and ecological condition.


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