"Ecology is my way of life!" Today, in the section "Ecology in persons", we talk about the permanent head of our laboratory, Khadicha Maratovna Safiullina

18 November 2024, Monday

The head of the laboratory of the Ministry, Khadicha Maratovna Safiullina, celebrates her anniversary today. She is a true example of dedication to her chosen cause. Immediately after graduating from university, our heroine gets a job at the Central Specialized Inspection of Analytical Control and has been engaged in environmental research for 33 years, striving to ensure its protection.

Under the leadership of Khadicha Maratovna, the laboratory of the Ministry twice became the winner of the republican contest "The best goods and services of the Republic of Tatarstan" in the nomination "The best testing laboratory". In 2017, our heroine was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Ecologist of the Republic of Tatarstan" for her significant contribution to environmental protection of the Republic.

"She is not just a professional in her field, but also an excellent leader," the team says of Khadicha Maratovna. She is appreciated, first of all, as a wise mentor and an open, responsive person.

"For me, ecology is not just my favorite job, ecology is my way of life. After all, if you want to change the world for the better, you need to start with yourself," - this is the main credo of our honored ecologist. However, ecology was not only chosen by our heroine as her life's work. Her husband, with whom they have been together for 28 years, is also an ecologist by profession. They spend their free time outdoors: cycling in summer, skiing in winter. Another hobby is traveling to historical places in Russia and, of course, books.

Khadicha Maratovna, the entire large staff of the Ministry congratulates you on the anniversary date and wishes you new heights and opportunities! Good health, prosperity, peace and endless happiness! May the successes achieved become a reliable foundation for new achievements!

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