Environmentalists of the Zavolzhsky TA awarded the winners of the battery collection campaign in the Buinsky district

9 December 2022, Friday

The best schools and kindergartens of the Buinsky district, which collected the largest number of spent power sources, were awarded by specialists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. This year, 7 winners received certificates of honor and gifts from the Ministry of Ecology. The most active were the M. M. Vakhitov Gymnasium, the boarding lyceum of Buinsk, the Cherki-Kilduraz school, the Kiyat school and kindergartens "Svetoforik", "Solnyshko" and "Teremok". Let us recall that 282.12 kg of used batteries were collected by joint efforts, which were transferred for disposal.

During the event, environmentalists reminded all participants that everyone can declare problems in the field of ecology by passing a sociological survey of the Ministry. To do this, one needs to pass a questionnaire on the website https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeb6j06JQef33tREpW8DckNyVYOd7jGBjyQq-UWEzxQ2vnSNg/viewform?fbzx=62188992472650519 .

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