Tatarstan is one of the most productive regions in terms of the amount of waste paper delivered as part of the All-Russian #BoomBattle campaign

24 November 2022, Thursday

Tatarstan has entered the top 10 Russian regions. In two months, Tatarstan participants of the All-Russian #BoomBattle campaign, which takes place in support of the national project "Ecology", collected and recycled 63.4 tons of waste paper.

In total, according to the results of the 3rd season of the All-Russian campaign, 2 million participants collected over 63 million kilograms of waste paper. This made it possible to save about 12,000 hectares of forest from logging, which is equal to the area of about 12,000 football fields. 

"In 2 months, the participants of the campaign saved more than 1.2 million trees from felling, saved more than 1.2 million tons of water, saved more than 63.3 million kW of electricity, prevented the release of almost 104 thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. For the first time, all regions took part in the BoomBattle, the campaign even reached such hard-to-reach locations as the northernmost city of Russia – Pevek in the Chukotka Autonomous region," said Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko.

The most productive regions in terms of the amount of waste paper handed over were the Moscow and Bryansk regions, St. Petersburg closes the top three. Tatarstan is on the 6th place in this rating.

Both organizations and individual participants took an active part in the BoomBattle this year. More than 1,700 applications were received from kindergartens, schools, colleges, technical schools and universities, state institutions and businesses.

Eco-educational events within the framework of the BoomBattle were held in 65 regions. More than 100 events were organized in 2 months.

Let us recall that last year the Republic of Tatarstan handed over 66.8 tons of waste paper for recycling and took 11th place in the All-Russian Waste paper collection campaign.

For reference: #BoomBattle campaign is held on the initiative of the ANO "National Priorities" with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. #BoomBattle is implemented in support of the national project "Ecology". The partners of the project are the Association "Clean Country", the PPK "Russian Environmental Operator", "Youth ONF", "League of Waste Paper Processors", Ubirator service, the All-Russian public-state children's and youth organization "Russian Movement of Schoolchildren".

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