Over five years, 51.8 billion rubles have been invested in environmental protection measures in the Republic of Tatarstan

25 October 2022, Tuesday

Today, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan answered the questions of readers of the online newspaper "Real Time" during a live broadcast. As Alexander Shadrikov noted, the environmental agenda is sounding louder every year. Ecology, first of all, is the health of people, which means it is the quality of the air, the quality of the water they drink, the quality of the products they eat. "Investments in ecology are investments in our future! Over the past 5 years alone, 51 billion 800 million rubles have been invested in environmental protection measures in the Republic of Tatarstan – this is both the national Ecology project and regional projects and the contribution of our industrial enterprises. It is difficult to imagine this amount. Federal funds allow us to solve problems that have been accumulating for decades – these are the silt fields of BOSK of Kazan, Samosyrovsky training ground. Now these facilities are being recultivated. Due to the republican programs, the elimination of exogenous landslide processes, dredging and riverbed straightening is underway. And all this is an investment in the future, a contribution to the health and well-being of our citizens." The Minister of Ecology added that the Republic of Tatarstan has been a leader in the Volga Federal District in terms of investments in environmental protection for several years.

Full version of the interview on the website https://vk.ru/video-85466065_456239852 .


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