Environmentalists have found out what could cause the white waters in the Kazanka River, Archa LLC could be to blame again

30 September 2022, Friday

Day before the inspectors of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry received a complaint from a resident of Arsk about the discharge of untreated sewage into the Lekinka River (this river is a tributary of the Kazanka). Specialists of the laboratory of the Northern TA promptly went to the place. During the survey, it was recorded that the water in the river has a whitish hue. Since the only source of pollution in this area is Archa LLC, water samples were taken upstream and downstream of the river relative to this dairy plant. Within 7-10 days, the water will be analyzed according to 14 indicators, but already according to preliminary results, we can talk about a large excess of sulfates and ammonium, the inspectors report. According to the results of laboratory studies, comprehensive measures will be taken to eliminate violations and compensate for environmental damage. Information on this fact was sent to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan for the Arsky district and the Prosecutor's office of the Arsky district.

It is worth noting that in August, the Ministry of Ecology has already received similar complaints. So, on August 12, residents of the Arsky district complained that the Kazanka River turned milky. Employees of the laboratory of environmental supervision went to the village of Churilino. Samples of natural and waste water were taken in the zone of influence of the nearest object of negative impact — 500 m above and below the place of wastewater discharge of Vodokanal-Service LLC, of which the Arsky Dairy Plant is also a subscriber. According to the results of the analysis of water samples, excess levels of biological oxygen consumption (2.3 times), nitrite, ammonium ion, sulfate and iron were detected. 

Let us recall that last year the company "Archa" was already brought to administrative responsibility for the discharge of wastewater into the Shoshma River. Then the amount of the fine was 80 thousand rubles. In addition, environmentalists calculated the damage in the amount of almost 6 million rubles.

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