Environmentalists and children reminded about the "Day without a car" campaign

22 September 2022, Thursday

Employees of the Priiksky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with schoolchildren from Aznakaevo, distributed leaflets to car owners asking them to join the campaign in order to free the cities from noise and exhaust gases for at least a day. 

And in the Tetyushsky district, the inspectors of the Zavolzhsky TA held an environmental lesson for the youngest schoolchildren, where they told about the importance of a Day without a car. "On average, up to 5-6 kg of pollutants are emitted by a car per day. Therefore, if about 10 car owners give up their "iron horses" on this day, then pollution can be reduced to about 50 thousand tons. Remember that the air quality primarily depends on ourselves," Leysan Gimatdinova, a specialist of the Zavolzhsky TA, explained to the guys.

Especially for our environmentalists, the guys learned a verse dedicated to the Day without a Car, and which you will see by watching our video report.

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