A thematic eco-lesson dedicated to the World Water Day was held by specialists of the Northern TA

22 March 2022, Tuesday

Specialists of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted an environmental lesson "Water in our life" for primary school students of Bolshemengersk Nizhnekyuksky schools of the Atninsky district.

Ecologists using concrete examples, using visual illustrations, told the students what a huge role water plays in human life, as well as the most interesting and amazing facts about water.  So the students learned that by turning off the faucet when brushing teeth, you can save about 8 liters of water per minute. Children with interest came up with concrete steps and activities to save water both at home and in nature.

In memory of the lesson, the children received gifts from the Ministry – coloring pages "School of Ecology".

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