Additional places for temporary storage of snow have appeared in Kazan

17 February 2022, Thursday

Currently, there are 7 snow melting points operating in Kazan. Places for temporary storage of snow were also identified.  However, only in the first days of February, almost a month's rainfall fell in Kazan. In this regard, in addition to the existing places for temporary storage of snow, additional ones have been identified at the following addresses:

1) Portovaya str., 2A

2) in the area of the residential complex Salavat Kupere (land plot with cadastral number 16:00:000000:32)

3) in the area of the Rowing Sports Center (south of the Arkhangelsk cemetery near the U-turn ring at VDNKH)

4) Batalov Brothers Street (3 plots)

Let us recall, along with additional places for storing snow, those that were determined earlier also continue to operate. Namely:

1) Vasilchenko str., 41b, Puteiskaya str., 10 (Kirovsky and Moskovsky districts);

2) Portovaya Street (towards A.Khalikov Street), Portovaya Street (along the power lines between the railway tracks and Khalikov Street), Mirny residential area near the fruit nursery of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the Gorvodzelenkhoz Trust (Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky district);

3) intersection of streets F. Amirkhana and M. Mil - in the car market area (Aircraft and Novo-Savinovsky district);

4) Derbyshki residential area (behind KOMZ), near the residential area Samosyrovo (3 points), near the territory of "Seventh Heaven" (Sovetsky district).

It should be noted that the issuance of conclusions of places of temporary storage of snow is within the powers of the executive committee of Kazan. The Executive Committee has identified responsible persons for the maintenance and operation of temporary snow storage sites for each site. Responsible persons and local self-government bodies should also organize measures to prevent negative impacts on lands and soils (Articles 12, 13 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation), plan and implement measures to protect soils from negative impacts (including compliance with the requirements established by the above-mentioned SanPiN 2.1.3684-21). In particular, it is necessary to exclude the import of solid municipal and other waste to the places of temporary storage of snow, to exclude the accumulation and long-term storage of snow mass at the places of temporary storage of snow, outside the periods of an emergency situation associated with a large amount of precipitation, systematically carrying out export to existing urban snow melting points for subsequent disposal. In addition, after using temporary snow storage sites during the emergency period, responsible persons should carry out work to bring these territories into proper sanitary and ecological condition by the beginning of the spring citywide two-month period. The Ministry will monitor the fulfillment of these obligations.

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan informs once again: if you have discovered an unauthorized snow dump, please report via the following communication channels:

- by phone (843)267-68-67;

- by email;

- in the internet reception;

- via additional communication channels WhatsApp and Telegram to the number +79872169779;

- in the "People's Control" system, the category "Ecology";

- "School eco-patrol" the mobile application.

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