Piles of dirty snow masses discovered by environmentalists in the Volga region

5 February 2022, Saturday

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal from citizens on the fact of unauthorized storage of snow on the territory of the SNT "Trud". Inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry carried out a visit to the specified address. The fact of environmental violations has been confirmed. The total area of the snow dump is 208 sq. m., the volume is 480 cubic meters. m. To determine the owner of the land plot, specialists sent a request to the Office of the Federal Register of the Republic of Tatarstan. As it turned out, the owner leased the plot to an individual entrepreneur. In order to take samples of contaminated snow, the inspectors of the CTA, together with the employees of the TSOOEN, as well as with the tenant and landlord of the land plot, made a field trip. According to the results of the analysis of samples, snow belongs to the 5th hazard class. There are also excess nitrates, sulfates, and chloride and petroleum products. In relation to the sole proprietor, a protocol has been drawn up under Part 1 of art.8.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The violator faces a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.


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