All the birds come to visit us!

11 November 2021, Thursday

Schoolchildren of the Tyulyachinsky district learned about how many species of birds there are in the Volga region and who is the most frequent guest of our latitudes. Specialists of the Northern TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an environmental lesson "Our feathered friends" for students of MBOU "Shadkinskaya SOSH". It was timed to coincide with the holiday – on November 12, Tits' Day is celebrated in our country. This is an ecological holiday, which appeared on the initiative of the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia. On this day, already by good tradition, residents of settlements prepare top dressing for wintering birds, the so-called "blueberry treats" - pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, unsalted lard. After all, according to folk signs, it was by this time that birds, preparing for winter, flew from the forest closer to human habitation. At a special lesson, ecologists told how to feed birds properly, told about the features and "culinary preferences" of tits, goldfinches, bullfinches. An educational quiz was arranged for the children, schoolchildren solved riddles and solved puzzles. And later the students took part in a master class where they drew birds.

"The game format of the lesson is a great opportunity to convey informative and useful information to the child. And master classes develop the creative abilities of children," the employees of the Northern TA noted.

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