50 schoolchildren joined the environmental campaign "Eco-duty of the country"

24 September 2021, Friday

The eco-day in the Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky forest of Kazan was informative and fruitful. As part of the All-Russian campaign "Eco-duty of the country", students of 125 gymnasium, 86 school and 35 lyceum competed in an environmental quiz, after which they cleaned the territory. The event was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republican Center for Extracurricular Work, the Tatarstan regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Environmental Policy and Culture" and the City Children's Ecological and Biological Center.

"You don't have to be a genius to save the environment. Rallying together, even ordinary cleaning will bring great benefits to the environmental cause. Thank you to the participants for their caring attitude to nature and the future of our planet in general!", - said Olga Artemyeva, head of the Department of environmental Education and interaction with public organizations of the Ministry.

In just a couple of hours of cleaning, about 175 kg of garbage was collected.

Тэги: eco-education
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