Leading Russian companies shared their experience in the field of environmental safety of production facilities

3 September 2021, Friday

23 billion rubles have been invested in environmental protection measures over the past ten years, more than half of them are aimed at improving wastewater treatment, which has reduced the discharge of pollutants by 30 thousand tons per year (51%) over 7 years, while annual production has increased by 65%. Such figures were announced by SIBUR at the last All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference "Industrial Ecology and Safety" named after A. I. Shchepovskikh, which was held at the Kazan Expo. Galina Khristoforova, Head of Ecology at SIBUR, told about the key environmental projects of the largest petrochemical company in Russia.

"Reducing the environmental impact is one of SIBUR's main priorities. Specific environmental goals are fixed in the Strategy for Sustainable Development until 2025 – for example, reducing specific indicators for water consumption, discharges and emissions of pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the share of waste disposal and the share of "green" energy," the speaker explained during her speech.

She also noted that today the company invests in the modernization of industrial capacities and operates environmentally friendly technologies. For example, by the end of 2021, the construction of treatment facilities and the reconstruction of flare systems in Kstov and Tomsk will be completed.

Another project that aroused the interest of the conference audience is being implemented at SIBUR-Neftekhim in the Nizhny Novgorod cluster and is aimed at the useful use of CO2 emissions.

"Our technology produces raw CO2. Now the issue of transferring the carbon dioxide that is discharged into the atmosphere to the production of a marketable product – one hundred percent food CO2 is being worked out. The project will be completed in 2022 and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the enterprise by 7%, and the impact on atmospheric air by 4%," added Galina Khristoforova.

Representatives of the TANECO complex also shared their vivid experience of environmental safety of production. Experts noted that one of the main achievements of the company this year was the complete return of treated wastewater to production with zero consumption of fresh water. This also made it possible to completely stop the discharge of sewage into the Kama River.

"The closed cycle of water consumption is aimed at involving resources in the circular economy with minimal impact on the environment and corresponds to two sustainable development goals: "Clean water and sanitation" and "Transition to rational models of consumption and production", within the framework of the UN global compact, to which Tatneft joined in 2019," the conference participants added.

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