"Improvised garbage warehouses and a bag and a bottle every 2 meters." More than 50 volunteers put things in order on a wild beach in the village of Imenkovo

28 June 2021, Monday

Last weekend, an environmental campaign was held on a wild beach in the village of Imenkovo, Laishevsky district, to clean up the coastal and underwater parts of the Kama River. The event was organized by the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. The order on land was brought by 50 activists who were not indifferent to the environment – students of the Laishevsky Technical and Economic College, volunteers, local vacationers and representatives of the district administration, the bottom of the reservoir was cleaned by scuba divers.

"Divers mostly took out plastic bottles that were filled with water and sand, but there were not many of them. This does not compare with the situation on the shore. Improvised garbage warehouses and every 2 meters a package, a bottle. Having spent time on the shore of a reservoir, you need to clean up all the waste left behind," says Andrey Agarkov, Deputy Chairman of the RGS of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Together, more than 50 bags of garbage were collected at the clean-up day – plastic and glass bottles, plates and spoons, as well as remnants from disposable barbecues.

The next campaign for cleaning the coastal zone is planned to be held on July 2 in Kamsky Polyany and in Nizhnekamsk. Those who want to join can send an application to the WhatsApp number 8 (996) 121 63 45

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