A project was implemented for preschool children under a grant from the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan

18 June 2021, Friday

"Nature is our home" – the project under this name was implemented by the Regional Branch of the NGO "Russian Geographical Society" in the Republic of Tatarstan at the expense of funds allocated by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan following the results of the competition for granting subsidies to non-profit organizations. The goal is to develop spatial and environmental thinking that contributes to the development of curiosity in preschool children. Representatives of the RGS have developed sets of equipment that include multifunctional screens, cards, children's microscopes, dressing gowns and hats, as well as consumables. With their help, children will be able to study the animal and plant world of their native land, reveal the importance and necessity of separate garbage collection, and much more. Special devices will allow educators to clearly explain to children the basic laws of nature and ecology.

So the Shapshinsky kindergarten "Alyonushka" and the kindergarten at the Bashninsky Comprehensive School have already received their kits. Employees of the RGS of the Republic of Tatarstan were instructed to work with the screen for kindergarten workers, and an educational game was held for the children.

By the end of June, kindergartens in Tyulyachinsky, Spassky, Alekseevsky, Pestrechinsky and Arsky districts of the Republic of Tatarstan will receive their copies.

Тэги: eco-education
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