October 2021

On October 19, a solemn ceremony of awarding the prize of the Russian Geographical Society took place in Moscow. Underwater Research Unit named after A. A. Leonov from Tatarstan became the winner in the nomination "Best youth project". The project "Alexey Leonov Underwater Training Center" was presented at the competition. The award was presented to the authors Dmitry Shiller and Sergey Saleev by director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

March 2021

The seminar covered such topics as the development of the yunnaty movement in the republic, the technology of "Pedagogical Workshop" in geography lessons, the formation of self-educational competence of students of the final classes by means of the digital educational resources; the modern geography classroom is an integral part of the information and educational environment of the school and the improvement of mechanisms for students' functional literacy strenghtening.

March 2021

The following contests have been announced:

  1. "Preserved paths" - a competition for teachers of general education institutions for the development of ecological paths on natural objects of the Republic of Tatarstan (from March 1 to May 25). Regulation.
  2. "Diary of a young naturalist" is a competition for filling out the diary of a young naturalist, for young experimentalists and researchers in the field of botanics, zoology and ecology (from March 1 to June 15). Regulation.
  3. "Best research work" is a competition of implemented research works in the field of natural sciences and ecology (from March 1 to May 25). Regulation.
  4. "Young Naturalists of 2021" is a competition of young naturalists groups (from March 1 to June 15). Regulation.  

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