Underwater Research Team named after A. A. Leonov became the winner of the RGS Award

21 October 2021, Thursday

On October 19, a solemn ceremony of awarding the prize of the Russian Geographical Society took place in Moscow. Underwater Research Unit named after A. A. Leonov from Tatarstan became the winner in the nomination "Best youth project". The project "Alexey Leonov Underwater Training Center" was presented at the competition. The award was presented to the authors Dmitry Shiller and Sergey Saleev by director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

"Since the beginning of the project, more than 400 young people have participated in it, each of whom has received certificates of international level. At the center, they were trained in the scientific disciplines of underwater archaeology and geology, work with cultural heritage objects, biology of freshwater and marine organisms, marine and river ichthyology. The certificate allows the guys to participate in any international underwater research expeditions and opens up a whole world of the unknown," the representatives of the Russian Geographical Society said.

Congratulations to the Underwater Research Team named after A.A. Leonov and wish them great success in the future!

The RGS Award is a prestigious award in the field of national geography, ecology, preservation and popularization of the natural and historical and cultural heritage of Russia, as well as support for the popularizers of geographical science and education. Established in 2014, it is held every two years and has an international status.

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