July 2023

A fascinating eco-lesson about indoor plants was conducted by inspectors of the Zakamsky territorial administration of the Ministry in kindergarten No. 93 "Elluki" of Nizhnekamsk. Ecologists introduced children to a variety of useful indoor plants. They told what benefits flowers bring and how to take care of them. For example, geranium and aloe help with headaches, and sansevieria helps in the treatment of colds. At the end of the lesson, the inspectors held a game and showed the children the cartoons "The Journey of the seed" and "The life of a plant from a seed to a flower". Young environmentalists received memorable prizes and, of course, positive emotions.

July 2023

According to the information received about the discharge of sewage from the pipe into the Karmalka River in Zainsk, inspectors of the Zakamsky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan carried out a field visit. During the survey of the territory, the fact of violation of the environmental violation was confirmed, a pestilence of fish was detected. Ecologists have taken samples of natural water. According to the results of laboratory studies, no exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants were detected.



July 2023

During the monitoring of the Sarmanovsky district, inspectors of the Zakamsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan discovered unauthorized storage of construction waste in the village of Jalil. The total area of the cluttered site was 937 sq.m., the volume of the landfill was 742 cubic meters.

June 2023

The Zakamsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received a message about a fire at an oil tank near the village of Staroe Mavrino in the Zainsky district through a single number "112".

June 2023

Specialists of the Zakamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted supervisory activities in the water area of the Kama River for compliance with license conditions for the extraction of clay sand by subsoil users. During the on-site inspection, the inspectors examined 6 license areas, removed the coordinates of the location of specialized equipment.

June 2023

Inspectors of the Zakamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a survey of the Menzelya River in the Sarmanovsky district for the presence of manganese in the water body.

June 2023

Specialists of the Zakamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan told the pupils of the kindergarten "Soenech" about the properties of water. Also, the preschool children were clearly explained what the water cycle in nature is and how water and electricity are connected.

June 2023

The joint raid was carried out by inspectors of the Zakamsky territorial administration and employees of the GBU "Road Safety". As part of the event, they checked the sanitary and ecological condition of road service facilities, right-of-way lanes and roadside lanes of highways of regional and inter-municipal significance on the territory of the Sarmanovsky district.

May 2023

Within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period, inspectors of the Zakamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan together with employees of the GBU "Road Safety" conducted a joint raid. The sanitary and ecological conditions of road service facilities, right-of-way lanes and roadside lanes of regional and intermunicipal highways in the territory of the Zainsky district were monitored.

May 2023

An eco–talk on the topic "Garbage – the enemy of nature" was conducted by inspectors of the Zakamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Kamskopolyansky school No. 1 of the Nizhnekamsk district. Fourth graders learned what household and industrial garbage can be.

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