Inspectors of the Zakamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an eco-lesson in Nizhnekamsk

14 June 2023, Wednesday

Specialists of the Zakamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan told the pupils of the kindergarten "Soenech" about the properties of water. Also, the preschool children were clearly explained what the water cycle in nature is and how water and electricity are connected.

"Today it is very important to be an environmentally literate person. It is necessary to instill this knowledge in children from an early age: to teach them to treat water carefully and economically, to understand the value of natural resources, to tell them how to use these resources competently.  Water is the most valuable thing on the planet and its reserves are not unlimited, so such meetings are very important," said Gulnaz Khikmatullina, inspector of the Zakamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The eco-lesson was completed by watching educational cartoons "The Journey of the Droplet" and "Secrets of Water". All the children were also presented with gifts from the Ministry of Ecology.


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