The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia will hold a round table on October 7th regarding waste management

15 August 2016, Monday

The Fourth Interregional Round Table on coordination of the interaction between federal authorities, local authorities of constituent units of the Russian Federation and business communities regarding waste management will take place on October 7, 2016 at the meeting room "C" of the Moscow Government at 36 Novy Arbat Str., as it was reported by the Press Service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

                Regulation of various aspects of waste management, including execution of the liability of manufacturers and creation of the state register of facilities having negative impact on the environment; creation of a new system for the management of solid municipal waste; formation of the field on collection and processing of waste - all these matters are on the agenda of the event. The requirements to the local waste management schemes will be discussed along with the matters regarding ratification of the procedure for the competitive selection of regional operators on the management of solid communal waste. The participants will discuss the matters concerning arrangement of work with waste not liable to burial starting January 1, 2017, as well as the normative acts prepared by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. The participants will receive the information on the monitoring of the sites for waste placement and the possibility of becoming a candidate for a decrease in the payment for the negative impact related to waste placement; on the requirements regarding management of homogeneous groups of goods; on execution of the liability of manufacturers. It is planned to discuss new rules of functioning of the waste management market, creation of the field of collection in the regions, processing and recovery of waste, including municipal waste. Representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Russia, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage, local authorities of constituent units of the Russian Federation, as well as field experts will participate in the work of the round table.


Press Service of the Ministry

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