Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology told schoolchildren of Tyulyachinsky district about wintering birds

4 February 2025, Tuesday

Environmental lessons about wintering birds were held in Yanasalskaya and Bolshekibyakozinskaya primary schools in Tyulyachinsky district. The children learned a lot about the inhabitants of their native land: which feathered friends stay for the winter and how they adapt to the cold.

The inspectors of the Northern Management explained to the guys how important the role of each of us is in preserving the ecosystem. After all, even small actions, such as installing bird feeders or participating in clean-up activities, can make a big contribution to the protection of nature. The lessons were complemented by exhibitions of children's drawings depicting bullfinches, chickadees and other wintering birds.

At the Yanassal school, the lesson became even brighter thanks to a master class. The children made bird feeders and read poems dedicated to the beauty of the world around them. And the fairy-tale Woodman, who became a guest of the event, added magic and kindness to the atmosphere.

Such lessons help to foster children's love for nature and responsibility for its conservation, which contributes to the achievement of the goals of the national project "Environmental well-being".

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