What is ecology and who is an ecologist? Specialists of the Priiksky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology conducted a lesson for the youngest students of the Gymnasium in Aznakaevo. The educational institution is among the 103 on the basis of which eco-centers operate, therefore environmental education is among the key areas of activity here.
The inspectors told the first-graders about their profession, noting that humans pollute the soil, water and air, and environmentalists come to the rescue here. In special laboratories, they conduct experiments to check whether we breathe clean air and what kind of water we bathe in.
The children were shown an instructive cartoon with a call for respect for nature. After that, they once again consolidated their knowledge that it is necessary to use water wisely, because its reserves are not unlimited; do not burn garbage due to the danger of fire and the release of harmful smoke. The lesson ended with a quiz with solving riddles, for the high level of demonstrated knowledge, environmentalists presented the children with educational coloring books.