More than 300 Tatarstan citizens supported the "Water of Russia" campaign of the national project "Ecology" today

21 September 2024, Saturday

Today, the All-Russian clean-up day "Green Russia" was held on Lake Izumrudnoye as part of the "Water Russia" campaign of the national project "Ecology". 300 Tatarstan citizens took part in it. The environmental campaign was held in the format of the quest game "Marathon of Cleanliness".

62 teams collected 831 kilograms of garbage within an hour, sorting it along the way. 130 kg of plastic waste

were collected.

285 kg of glass

416 kg of mixed waste

And if measured in bags, then 37 bags of plastic, 38 bags of glass and 63 bags of mixed waste. The participants were assisted by employees of the Ministry of Ecology and divers of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The participants of the clean-up were welcomed by the Minister of Ecology Alexander Shadrikov. He thanked everyone who came today to support the environmental campaign and make the shore of the reservoir cleaner.

"Tatarstan, our residents have been leaders for three years in a row and took the first place in the framework of the campaign "Water of Russia". Every year we see a lot of activity from our youth, namely the younger generation, children with parents, students, schoolchildren are here today. It is important! Everything we do, all our environmental campaigns, is a contribution to the future of our country. 62 teams of more than 300 people are with us today - this is also very important. Today, the Russian Geographical Society and the Russian Ecological Society are with us - ecology unites us!" said Alexander Shadrikov, Minister of Ecology.

As part of the clean-up, Dmitry Shiller, Chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan, told reporters how many kilometers of the Kazanka River have already been cleared as part of the Free Current project jointly with the Ministry of Ecology. 55 rubble has been cleared, and almost 2.5 thousand tons of wood have been lifted from the water.

"A lot has been done by the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, a lot more is planned to be done. This is the project that I am proud of. We saw the river changing before our eyes. As soon as we finished clearing the site, people, tourists, and families came to it immediately, and it's great!" He thanked the leadership of the republic and the Ministry of Ecology for supporting the project.

Traditionally, the head of the regional branch of the Russian Ecological Society, Azat Ziganshin, came to support the participants of the clean-up days. Awarding the winning teams, he stressed that such environmental campaigns primarily unite people.

"I would like to note that the leitmotif of the clean-up is felt throughout the year. We know that in spring, the republic traditionally hosts an ecological two-month period, when not only the city, but also all regions of Tatarstan, all active residents very actively participate in events that make our republic cleaner and more beautiful. I would also like to note the activity of our young population, because for me personally, this is a certain criterion when young people move from the level of consumption to the level of preservation, restoration and creation. I am sure that our young people are already taking care of their future and the future of our republic."

"The potential that is inherent in our children, students, and schoolchildren who took part today, it is being realized as much as possible right here, before our eyes. We see how they do not just clean up the territory of the lake and the adjacent forest, but understand that for them this is an internal core for the further development of their own and ecological perception of this life, the entire environment. This is the wisdom they acquire in the field of ecology," said Denis Alexandrov, Prosecutor of the Kazan Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office.

More than 15 RGS divers cleared the bottom of the Izumrudnoye lake today, there were no unique finds this time, but this, according to the divers, is the best indicator that there is less and less garbage on the lake every year. "In the past, sometimes they got so much garbage from the bottom that they had to take it out with KAMAZ trucks, there were sidecars from motorcycles, and wheels, and bicycles. Now we are increasingly lifting only plastic bottles, but we must remember that plastic is a terrible enemy for our inhabitants of reservoirs," the divers noted.

For the first time during the clean-up on Lake Izumrudnoye, a virtual cinema in 360 format was launched. Wearing virtual reality glasses, the participants were able to admire Lake Baikal, Sulak Canyon, Altai Mountains, the Neva and Ladoga rivers, as well as the natural resources of the Republic of Karelia.

According to the results of the clean-up, the best team was the Sayakhet team of the Center for Additional Education of the Kirovsky district, the team of the Osinovskaya gymnasium "Eco-patrol" took the 2nd place, the team of "Kiushniki" of the Kazan Innovative University took the third place.

The event was held within the framework of the federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology".

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