An immersion lesson in nature was organized by environmentalists in the Arsky district

20 September 2024, Friday

The ecological educational program for students of Berezinsky elementary school was conducted by specialists of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology. We are located right on the edge of an oak grove with a beautiful view of a yellowing field.

The guys talked with ecologists about seasonal changes and interrelationships in nature. The departure of migratory birds, the fall of foliage, the disappearance of insects – all this happens in the environment around us with the arrival of autumn, the students noted. The students plunged into the wonderful world of nature with pleasure: they enthusiastically solved riddles, recalled poems and songs about insects and animals.

Environmentalists noted that the guys showed themselves to be real connoisseurs of nature, competed with passion in the proposed contests. "The use of visual, practical and verbal methods in the work on environmental education of schoolchildren helps to form an emotionally positive and caring attitude towards the world around children," experts from the Ministry of Ecology believe. This format of the lesson was liked by the students themselves, they shared their impressions of the time spent outside of school for a long time.

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