On the sidelines of the Kazan Digital Week International Forum, we talk about the digitalization of the ecology industry

10 September 2024, Tuesday

Today, within the framework of the International Forum Kazan Digital Week – 2024, Deputy Minister of Ecology Egor Tarnavsky took part in a lecture on information security "Information security. The security of significant objects of critical information infrastructure" and told reporters about the digitalization of the ecology industry. It should be noted that the digital platform of the ecology and nature management industry, which the Ministry began to develop in 2022, creates a single digital space for solving problems of ecology and nature management.

"The digital platform means openness and transparency of the department's work. We are actively using all the possibilities of digitalization. All relevant information about the waste disposal standards sites identified on the territory of the republic is promptly entered into the geographic information system "Ecological Map of the Republic of Tatarstan". The subsystem "Unauthorized waste disposal" is publicly available to our residents, which is constantly being updated. This year, the subsystem "Green Standards" has been finalized - this is what our residents asked for. Separate waste collection points are now displayed on the map. In April, in a test mode, we prematurely opened the data of all our stations for monitoring the purity of atmospheric air. All residents can see all the information online," Yegor Tarnavsky told reporters of the online publication Real Time.

Let us recall that on the eve of the Year of Digitalization in the Republic of Tatarstan, the leadership of the republic allocated funding for the digital transformation of key sectors of the economy, the social sphere, and public administration. A new stage of digitalization of the ecology and nature management industry at the regional level was directly related to Telecom Integration LLC  (Moscow, a subsidiary of Innostage LLC), who participated in the development of project documentation for the creation of a digital platform for the field of ecology and environmental management. The work carried out by them allowed us to approach the final stage of creating a digital platform for the ecology and nature management industry in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The digital platform, which was developed by Etton Group, consists of 3 functional subsystems – Subsoil, Supervision and Eco-monitoring.

The "Nedra" subsystem will make it possible to exclude the transportation of illegally extracted minerals by taking into account consignment notes, and will create an additional market volume for licensed subsoil users.

The Eco-monitoring subsystem in the Republic of Tatarstan will strengthen control over the state of atmospheric air and promptly respond to the facts of its deterioration. Inspectors of the Ministry will automatically receive notifications of recorded exceedances with information about possible sources of such exceedances.

The Supervision subsystem will allow monitoring the receipt of information about a violation on the day of its commission, payment and collection, ensuring transparency of state environmental supervision in terms of preventing the occurrence of corruption risks.

The subsystem will allow for prompt response, prevention and suppression of violations, and ensure strict control over the completeness and timely consideration of citizens' appeals.

This year, the digital platform of the Ministry of Ecology of Tatarstan was recognized as the best project in the field of digitalization of ecology. The winner's diploma was presented to the Minister of Ecology Alexander Shadrikov at the conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia".

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