Leaders of the youth policy of the republic! You have a chance to get housing under a preferential program

10 September 2024, Tuesday

Students, postgraduates, young scientists, representatives of rural and working youth can apply for housing under the social mortgage program. The application campaign of the Youth Housing Competition will last until October 6, 2024.

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 35 years old, registered at their permanent place of residence in the Republic of Tatarstan, are allowed to participate:

• Activists of public organizations. 

• Students participating in Tatarstan youth policy projects, self-government or creative associations. 

• Specialists in youth work in executive committees, institutions, youth clubs and youth centers. 

• Specialists in industrial enterprises and organizations, including non-governmental ones. 

• Responsible for working with young people in educational institutions. 

Conditions of participation - the total level of security of the area per family member should be less than 18 sq.m. Registered (residents) are included together with the participant at the permanent place of residence, family members (children, spouse). In exceptional cases, other relatives may also be taken into account if they are indicated by the apartment owner. 

Participants send an application for participation in the Competition via the website – https://ligastudentov.com . After verification, the Housing Commission of the Competition will determine 49 winners. 

In case of victory, the participant must make an initial payment, which is at least 10% of the total cost of the selected apartment. Participation in the competition presupposes stable income and solvency for timely fulfillment of monthly payments. 

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