A bid to win! Information for the attention of public associations and citizens applying for the title of ECO-leader

10 September 2024, Tuesday

Applications for the republican ECO-leader competition are being accepted. For your convenience, we disclose information on each competition group separately.

The category "Public associations and citizens" includes 2 nominations.

The first one is for non–profit organizations that conduct their activities in the field of ecology, help animals, improve territories, etc.

The second one is intended for participants who have made a personal contribution to the preservation of the environment.

Participants are required to submit an application (Appendix 5) and a presentation on their activities for 2024, in which quantitative and qualitative indicators must be indicated. This may be the number of clean-up days held, the participants involved, the beneficiaries of your activities, the quality indicators of the events held (before/after), etc.

There is also an opportunity for all participants to receive additional points. You can find out information about the tasks from our social networks.

The competition regulations are available at the link - https://eco.tatarstan.ru/2024-7768429.htm

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