Tatarstan is an active participant and leader in many indicators of the national project "Ecology". This was announced today by the Minister of Ecology Alexander Shadrikov at a large press conference with journalists

22 August 2024, Thursday

A large press conference on ecology was held in Kazan today with the participation of Alexander Shadrikov, head of the Environmental protection Department, and Azat Khamaev, Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on Ecology, Nature Management, Agro-industrial and Food Policy.

At the very beginning of his speech, the Minister of Ecology noted that the leadership of Tatarstan pays special attention to environmental safety and environmental issues. Over 6 years, more than 60 billion rubles have been allocated to environmental protection measures in Tatarstan. Possible damage in the amount of 65 billion rubles has been prevented. As part of the national Ecology project, which has been implemented since 2019 on behalf of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, 22.7 billion rubles were allocated in the Republic for the implementation of 30 measures under the national Ecology project. This is work on such federal projects as "Improving the Volga River", "Clean Country", "Preservation of unique water bodies". Alexander Shadrikov spoke in more detail about the works and programs that were implemented during the work of the Ecology project.

So, within the framework of the federal project "Clean Country", 2 largest landfills have been reclaimed – a landfill in the village of Prosti and the Samosyrovsky landfill.

"We see what happened and what it turned out into. Instead of a landfill, there is a green hill today. And most importantly, we were faced with the task of completing the project with the introduction of an active degassing system. Thanks to the studied and implemented technologies, this project has been implemented. Landfill gas will be able to provide 1.5 MW of electricity within 20-25 years," the head of the Tatarstan department reported. 

According to the federal project "Improvement of the Volga River", 12 wastewater treatment plants were built and reconstructed for a total amount of 2.6 billion rubles. Since 2021, the reconstruction of biological sewage treatment plants in Kazan has begun. 7.5 billion rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the event for 2021-2024, including 6.1 billion rubles from the federal budget.

Also, since 2021, work has begun on the elimination of a large object of accumulated environmental damage located in the water protection zone of the Kuibyshev reservoir – the reclamation of silt fields of biological treatment facilities in Kazan. The initial project implementation period is 2024. However, for objective reasons, the implementation period, in agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, has been postponed to 2025.

"In order to meet the KPI, so that it can be implemented, we are transferring this project to 2025. There are objective reasons why we are postponing it. The first is abnormal weather conditions in winter. You and I remember how much precipitation there was, how much snow there was. The abundant melting led to the fact that the maps were overflowed, which had already been pumped out in principle and where the geotubes were laid out. And accordingly, the drainage system that was laid down in the project was not designed for this. And the second reason is the replacement of the original foreign-made flocculant in the project with a domestic analogue. Unfortunately, the analog's water release rate is 25 times lower than it was originally planned for the project," the Minister of Ecology told in detail about this project.

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