In Tatarstan, the inspection of vehicles for environmental friendliness continues: 1,637 cars have been checked

16 July 2024, Tuesday

1,637 vehicles have been checked in Tatarstan as part of Operation Clean Air since the beginning of the year. 55 of them failed the environmental test for exhaust gases, which is 3.4%.

The event is being implemented in 12 municipal districts of the Republic by employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and the interregional territorial Administration of Rostransnadzor in the Volga Federal District. The campaign is aimed at preventing the negative impact of vehicles on the state of atmospheric air in support of the national project "Ecology". The operation will last in Tatarstan until the end of September.

Since the beginning of Clean Air, 1,365 cars, 156 trucks and 116 buses have been inspected. An explanatory conversation is held with the owners of motor vehicles about the inadmissibility of violations of mandatory requirements of legislation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

According to experts of the Ministry of Ecology, there is a positive trend during the campaign. The share of vehicles with a high content of pollutants in exhaust gas emissions has decreased 10 times over 30 years. This is due to the improvement of the quality of motor fuel, the replacement of the old fleet of cars with new, more environmentally friendly class.

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