Shoot your ECO-film. Young Tatarstan citizens are invited to take part in the film festival

27 June 2024, Thursday

Children's and youth film studios, school photo and video clubs and independent authors under the age of 16 are invited to participate in the Children's Environmental Cinema Day of Russia. Animated, documentary, feature films, popular science films on environmental issues, as well as social advertising can be submitted for evaluation by the jury.

The timing of creative works is no more than 5 minutes. The video must be made no later than in the last three years.

Participants of the film festival are required to fill out an application together with a statement from a parent and send it by e-mail: , and along with photos of the authors and footage from the film. The works themselves with the attached download link must be sent by September 10, 2024.

The organizers independently determine the assignment of the work to one or more announced nominations, including:

- The best film of the festival (Grand Prix)

- The best animated film

- For successfully mastering the profession of a television journalist

- For the original creative solution of the topic

- For a successful debut

- For the development of an up-to-date environmental topic

- For an active life position aimed at protecting nature

- For the best film about nature

- For an active lifestyle and charity aimed at protecting animals

- For loyalty to the cause of environmental education

- For the best screenplay

- The youngest cinematographers, etc.

The results will be announced on October 16, 2024, as part of the Children's Environmental Cinema Day of Russia in Volosovo, Leningrad Region. All works included in the demonstration program will receive diplomas from the participants of the film festival.

According to the organizers, the Day of Children's Environmental Cinema in Russia is the most advanced and has no analogues among events of this kind in the Russian Federation. The festival is consistently highly appreciated by the participants, guests of the event and the audience. The guests of honor are representatives of federal and regional state executive and legislative authorities, representatives of the diplomatic corps, public organizations of the Russian Federation and other countries.

The purpose of the festival is environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation. Children and teenagers participate in the creation of film works, analyze them and understand the necessity and importance of preserving the environment. The event was initiated by the Regional Public Organization "Center for the Promotion of Popular Science Cinema".

All operational information about the project can be found on the official project page in VK: For more information about participation, see the Rules of Procedure.

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