The green Flamingo is back on duty! Today, the scientific vessel of the Ministry of Ecology launched a raid in the waters of the Kazanka River

21 June 2024, Friday

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan organized patrolling of the Kazanka River water area with the help of the Flamingo research vessel during the BRICS Sports Games. Patrolling is carried out in order to monitor the state of surface waters. Today, the ship passed along the route Kirovskaya transport dam – Kremlin transport dam – the water area of the river Kazanka. All instruments, equipment and software installed on the Flamingo research vessel are domestically produced by NAECO.

"This complex allows one to quickly monitor the quality of water. Its unique feature is that along the way it measures 16 parameters of the aquatic environment at once: 8 hydrophysical and 8 hydrochemical. There is a water intake on the bow of the vessel, which is immediately transferred to the Flamingo chemical laboratory, where it is analyzed. All the obtained results are mapped to the geographic information system with reference to coordinates. Further information can be transmitted online to the Ministry of Ecology for detailed analysis," says Alexey Bulygin, CEO of Marine Environmental Protection Integrated Systems LLC of the NAECO Group.

It should be added that the vessel is equipped with an instrument base for research in continuous automatic mode of water areas on such parameters as petroleum products, ammonium ions, chloride ions, copper ions, dissolved forms of iron, manganese ions, zinc ions, phenol, hydrogen index, redox potential, water temperature, specific electrical conductivity, suspended solids, depth the reservoir, the oil film, the concentration of dissolved oxygen.

All devices are included in the state register of measuring instruments and are checked and calibrated in accordance with the established procedure. Today, as part of the raid and conducted studies of the state of surface waters of the river Kazanka no excess of permissible concentrations of pollutants have been detected.

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