Tatarstan residents have saved more than 200 trees from being cut down! The results of the marathon "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree" have been summed up

10 June 2024, Monday

From April 16 to May 31, the Republic of Tatarstan hosted the All-Russian Eco-marathon RECYCLING "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree."

The campaign took place in the form of competitions between districts and cities of the Republic Tatarstan.

According to the results of the marathon, Mamadyshsky district took the third place. The second place belongs to the Agryzsky district. And the winner of the waste paper collection campaign was the Sarmanovsky district. 

A total of 21,131 kg of waste paper were collected as a result of the campaign. All participants helped save 211 trees from felling, save 21.1 MW of energy and save 422 cubic meters of water!

Let us recall that the marathon is aimed at reducing the amount of garbage in landfills and preserving the natural resources of our country.

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