Do good, don't throw it into the water! This weekend we will walk along the bottom of the Glubokoye lake and clean its shores

30 May 2024, Thursday

On June 1, at 10:00, we are waiting for all concerned Tatarstan residents at a clean-up on Glubokoe Lake. Our friends, divers from the Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, will walk along the bottom of the lake to clear it of debris, and the rest of the activists will clean up the shores.

To participate, you need to register using the link: 

The clean-up day is timed to coincide with the International Day of Water Purification, which is celebrated in Russia on the first Sunday in June.

The eco-event will be held within the framework of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia" of the national project "Ecology" and the "Marathon of Green Affairs".

We will meet in the Lebyazhye Forest Park at 10:00. Take a good mood with you, because clean Tatarstan starts with each of us!

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