You have less than two weeks left to receive prizes and gifts from Eco-spring! Almost 150 thousand residents of Tatarstan are already with us!

13 May 2024, Monday

The seventh week of the competition is dedicated to taking care of wild world. During these 7 days, we offer to help homeless animal shelters, take care of pets and buy food for them. To participate, you need to help our younger brothers by May 19 and post a post about it on your VKontakte page. In the end, do not forget to send a confirmation email: .

More than 1,000 applications have already been received for the Eco-spring competition, and a total of 148,965 residents of the republic participate in the campaign - which means that they actively participate in clean-up days together and are sick and worried about the purity and well-being of nature. Traditionally, kindergartens (318 applications) and schools (321 applications) remain the most active, 175 eco-associations also participate, 101 families participate in the "Eco-family" nomination. 

The seventh week of the competition is dedicated to taking care of wild world. During these 7 days, we offer to help homeless animal shelters, take care of pets and buy food for them. To participate, you need to help our younger brothers by May 19 and post a post about it on your VKontakte page. In the end, do not forget to send a confirmation email: .

More than 1,000 applications have already been received for the Eco-spring competition, and a total of 148,965 residents of the republic participate in the campaign - which means that they actively participate in clean-up days together and are sick and worried about the purity and well-being of nature. Traditionally, kindergartens (318 applications) and schools (321 applications) remain the most active, 175 eco-associations also participate, 101 families participate in the "Eco-family" nomination. 

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