Employees of the Ministry of Ecology took part in the campaign "Garden of Memory"

4 May 2024, Saturday

Today, a traditional "Garden of Memory" was held in Tatarstan in honor of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. 

All participants of this commemorative event plant seedlings of spruce, pine and larch in memory of the fallen heroes of the war. 

Employees of the Ministry of Ecology also took part in the campaign and planted trees near the village of Matyushino in the Laishevsky district. About 3 hectares of territory were prepared for seedlings.

In total, 1.5 million young plants will be planted in Tatarstan as part of the campaign. It's not too late to take part and plant your own tree. You can find out about the time and places of the campaign on the official website: https://садпамяти2024.рф .

The organizers of the campaign are ANO "Garden of Memory", the Victory Commanders Memorial Fund, Victory Volunteers and Forest Volunteers waters with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and the Federal Forestry Agency within the framework of the national Ecology project.

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