Almost 4 thousand cars were checked in Tatarstan as part of Operation Clean Air

27 August 2024, Tuesday

Since June 1, the republic has been holding an operational and preventive event "Clean Air" together with the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and the interregional territorial Administration of Rostransnadzor for the Volga Federal District.  

Employees of the Ministry of Ecology checked 3,926 vehicles, including 3,541 passenger cars, 255 trucks and 130 buses. In total, 127 vehicles were found to have excess, which is 3.2% of the total number. 

Since the beginning of the operation, 21 districts of the republic have been covered. In total, the inspection of vehicles is planned in 25 municipal districts of Tatarstan.

Let us recall that the operational and preventive event "Clean Air" is held in support of the national project "Ecology" and will last until September 30, 2024.

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