As part of the sanitary and environmental two-month period, inspectors of the Central Department of the Ministry of Ecology monitored the territory of the Kirovsky district of Kazan.

25 April 2024, Thursday

In order to identify unauthorized waste storage sites, inspectors of the Central Department of the Ministry of Ecology examined the Kirovsky district of Kazan.
During the survey, 2 facts of violation of environmental legislation in the village of Yudino were revealed. Thus, the storage of large-sized construction debris, including after the repair of residential premises, was found at Kolymskaya Street. To date, in order to establish the owner of the land plot, inspectors have sent a request to the Unified State Register of Real Estate. After identifying the owner of the site, measures will be taken within the framework of current legislation. The second violation, namely the storage of municipal waste and also bulky, was recorded by inspectors in the territory adjacent to the container site at 37 Biryuzovaya Street.
A preventive conversation was held with the management company LLC UK Zarechye, which serves this territory, about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements of environmental legislation and the need to eliminate violations in the near future.


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