In Russia, snow leopards were counted

24 April 2024, Wednesday

87 snow leopards were counted in Russia, most of them in the Altai Republic - these are the results of the annual All-Russian accounting of snow leopards in 2024 with the support of the Interregional Association "Irbis" and the coordination of the Sailyugemsky National Park. 

Most of the leopards were noticed in the Altai Republic - 54 individuals. Another 15 live in Tuva, 11 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and 7 in Buryatia.

This year, 10 more snow leopards were recorded in the Altai Republic than last year. This indicates that the protection of the territory, the fight against poaching, and the work to restore the snow leopard's food base are yielding results," said Ali Uzdenova, Chairman of the general meeting of the Irbis Association. 
We remind you that the snow leopard is the only species of large cats that has adapted to inhabit the harsh conditions of the highlands. It is almost impossible to see a snow leopard in the wild. It is listed on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and has the status of a rare or endangered species in all 12 countries of its habitat.

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