"IN THE NAME OF LOVE, ETERNITY AND LIFE" - take part in the eco-campaign

23 April 2024, Tuesday

We invite everyone to take part in the XI All-Russian ecological and patriotic campaign "IN THE NAME OF LOVE, ETERNITY AND LIFE". It is dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Year of the Family in Russia.

Everyone needs to plant a tree in honor of the participants of the Great Patriotic War who gave their lives for their Homeland. Planting 45 million trees will be a thank you for their feat. Next to each seedling, you can install a sign with the words: "This tree grows in the name of Love, Eternity and Life...(FULL name of the person for whom the sign is installed)".

You can participate until June 17, summing up the results will take place until July 7, 2024. E-mails of thanks will be sent to all participants of the campaign.

All detailed information is also available at the link:


Let's save the planet together and give trees to the defenders of our Homeland!

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