Almost 800 participants have already joined the annual Eco-spring competition

9 April 2024, Tuesday

As part of the ecological marathon of the republican contest "Eco-spring", pupils of the kindergarten "Skazka" from the city of Buinsk and students of the gymnasium in Aznakaevo joined the first week of the competition, which was dedicated to birds. Employees of the Zavolzhsky and Priiksky departments of the Ministry of Ecology held environmental events dedicated to the International Bird Day.

The children were told about the first migratory birds coming to us from the south, which are called "messengers of spring", about starlings. They arrive as soon as the snow begins to melt. The pre-school children learned that many starlings return to their native place to live in their houses. Young starlings are looking for new homes. It is for them that it is necessary to make and hang new birdhouses on trees. The kids also learned from what material it is not worth making a birdhouse, what size it should be so that the birds would be comfortable there.

And the students of the gymnasium of Aznakaevo, together with their parents, made birdhouses, and also prepared crafts and took part in the exhibition of crafts and drawings "Poultry Yard". Birdhouses turned out to be of various shapes and sizes. The main thing is that they will be convenient for future residents.

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