Save by dividing! Environmental literacy lessons were conducted by employees of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan

6 December 2023, Wednesday

An eco-lesson was held at the Malobugulminsky school, where the children learned many amazing facts about the usual garbage, about separate waste collection and recycling. Environmentalists of the Southeastern Territorial Administration told what is produced from recyclable materials and what products can be obtained by processing plastic, glass, waste paper and scrap metal. "A huge amount of materials, including household garbage, is subject to recycling. For example, benches and urns are made of recycled plastic, and egg cells are made of paper," said Marat Uzakov, inspector of the South-Eastern TA.

The same lesson was conducted by specialists of the Department of environmental education and interaction with public organizations for students of Kazan school No. 184. They told how waste harms the environment and gave simple and useful eco-tips for every day in a playful way.

Coloring books were presented to all participants of eco-lessons as a souvenir.

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