"BoomBattle": Tatarstan confidently holds on to the top three

9 November 2023, Thursday

There is a week left until the end of the fourth season of the "BoomBattle" campaign of the "Ecosystem" movement. Now, in a large-scale environmental race, the most active participants are determined by the amount of paper collected. To date, the Republic of Tatarstan occupies an honorable second place in the top 3, and there is every chance to get ahead.

Since the start of the "BoomBattle", more than 276,000 people have already joined the delivery of waste paper across the country, who have sent over 1,400 tons of paper raw materials for processing.

A week before the finish, clear leaders emerged in a large-scale environmental race. The three strongest regions in terms of the amount of waste paper collected are headed by the Belgorod region, whose residents in the team and single competition were able to collect and send 125 tons of waste paper for processing. Our Republic of Tatarstan holds a confident second place with a result of 76 tons. The Bryansk region closes the top 3: in total, 55.6 tons of collected paper were registered from the region.

On November 11, from 10:00 to 14:00 in the parking lot of the Mega Kazan shopping center, the Ministry of Ecology of Tatarstan is waiting for everyone who wants to join the campaign and contribute to the victory of Tatarstan.

Tickets to the Kazan Youth Theater, Tatar Philharmonic named after Gabdulla Tukay, Salikh Saidashev GBKZ, theater named after Galiasgar Kamala and the Drama and Comedy Theater named after Karim Tinchurin will be raffled off between the participants.

To win a ticket to the theater, you must bring more than 16 kg of waste paper per person to the collection point. Only individuals participate in the campaign.

Let us recall that there is only a week left to get ahead and leave the rivals behind. Acceptance of applications from institutions and companies will continue until November 10. For participants who join the campaign individually – until November 15. To take part in the campaign and contribute to the conservation of nature, you need to register on the бумбатл.рф website, enter data about yourself or the organization, take the waste paper to the nearest reception point and upload the report to your personal account. The campaign is held in support of the national project "Ecology".

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