Already this Saturday, exchange the waste paper for a theater ticket! Take part in the "BoomBattle" campaign

8 November 2023, Wednesday

This Saturday, November 11, from 10:00 to 14:00 in the parking lot of the Mega Kazan shopping center, the All-Russian campaign for the collection of waste paper "BoomBattle" will take place.

To win a ticket to the theater, you must bring more than 16 kg of waste paper per person to the collection point. Only individuals participate in the campaign.

Tickets to the Kazan Youth Theater, Tatar Philharmonic named after Gabdulla Tukay, Salikh Saidashev GBKZ, theater named after Galiasgar Kamala and the Drama and Comedy Theater named after Karim Tinchurin will be raffled off between the participants.

The organizers of the campaign are the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and the regional youth public organization "It will be clean".

Let us recall that "BoomBattle" is an opportunity to take care of nature by handing over paper for recycling. But, like any battle, it is also a competition for the amount of waste paper collected, where you can compete for the championship in a team or individual competition. The campaign takes place from October 10 to November 15 in support of the national project "Ecology".

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