A clean city starts with you. Ecologists of Prikamsky TA shared the secrets of cleanliness

1 November 2023, Wednesday

Specialists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an interactive eco-lesson for second graders of school No. 52. Naberezhnye Chelny on the theme "A clean city begins with you". And the inspectors were helped by the heroes of the lesson - eco-rescuers, who shared important knowledge with the guys in a playful way. They showed simple and accessible actions for every student, thanks to which children will be able to keep our planet clean. With the help of game exercises and tasks, students found out that cleanliness largely depends on how city residents use water, electricity and how they deal with garbage. "Everything starts with us, which means that each of us can make this planet cleaner. After all, the ocean is being collected drop by drop. One of the ways to make the planet cleaner is conscious consumption," say the inspectors of the Prikamsky TA.

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