Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan revealed unauthorized discharge of wastewater to the soil in the Sovetsky district of Kazan

27 October 2023, Friday

During the survey of the territory of the SNT "Medik" of the Sovetsky district of Kazan, inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan found a pipe near the glamping, from which a drain was carried out to the soil. Ecologists took samples of water and soil. According to the results of the water analysis, it was revealed that there is an unauthorized discharge of contaminated water from the pipe. Soil samples are still in operation.

According to the information provided by the administration of the Sovetsky district of Kazan, there is no information about the balance holder of storm and sewer networks in this territory. Also, the administration of the Sovetsky district of Kazan in terms of unauthorized seizure and misuse of land plots sent a letter to the Committee of Land and Property Relations of the Executive Committee of Kazan with a request to conduct municipal control.

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