About 70 pine seedlings were planted in a new park in Chistopol

18 October 2023, Wednesday

Mass tree planting continues on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. Today, environmentalists of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry have joined the landscaping of the new Energetikov Square in Chistopol. Around the perimeter of the square, along the new pedestrian paths, about 70 young pine trees were planted. All seedlings were provided by local forestry, and employees of the city administration, budget organizations, environmentalists and representatives of the "Combat Brotherhood" participated in the campaign.

This year, within the framework of the All-Russian campaign "Save the Forest", more than 2 million pieces of planting material were planted in Tatarstan on an area of about 600 hectares have been carried out since 2011. The main purpose of environmental campaigns for planting trees is to foster a careful attitude to the forest, to attract public attention to the problems of conservation and augmentation of forest resources. For 12 years, within the framework of the campaigns in Tatarstan, new forest plantations were planted on an area of more than 8.1 thousand hectares, planting material in the amount of 32.1 million pieces was used, and the total number of participants exceeded 567 thousand people.

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