How do they check the quality of water and soil, and who is paramecium? This was told by environmentalists to the children of the Almetyevsk kindergarten "Firebird"

29 September 2023, Friday

Employees of the environmental laboratory of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration met the guests today – these are the children of kindergarten No. 6 "Firebird". The specialists of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan showed the preschool children how our laboratory staff work and how the qualitative composition of water, air and soil is determined. As part of the excursion, each kid had the opportunity to work independently with a microscope and study paramecium (Paramecium) – a genus of infusoria (unicellular organisms) that live in freshwater environments.

During the ecological excursion, the children were also shown the mobile ecological laboratory of the Ministry of Ecology. Gulnaz Nasrtdinova, Head of the Environmental Supervision Department of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration, told the guests about the functions of the mobile laboratory, and together with the pre-school children, atmospheric air samples were taken.

"We try to attract children's attention to environmental issues, as our kindergarten has an environmental focus. We are participants of the International program "Eco-school/Green Flag". Our students, together with their moms and dads, participate in campaigns to collect batteries, collect waste paper together and hold a competition among the groups "Vegetable Garden on the windowsill". We are very glad that we were able to visit the environmental laboratory of the Ministry. I see that the children were very impressed and received a lot of new knowledge," Venera Gilfanova, senior teacher of kindergarten No. 6 "Firebird", shared her impressions.


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